Source code for pydoas.analysis

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Pydoas is a Python library for the post-analysis of DOAS result data
# Copyright (C) 2017 Jonas Gliß (
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the BSD 3-Clause License
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# See BSD 3-Clause License for more details 
# (
from datetime import datetime, timedelta, date
from numpy import asarray, full, polyfit, poly1d, logical_and, polyval
from pandas import Series, DataFrame
from matplotlib.pyplot import subplots
from matplotlib.dates import DateFormatter

#from .setup import ResultImportSetup
from .helpers import to_datetime
from .dataimport import DataImport, ResultImportSetup
[docs]class DatasetDoasResults(object): """A Dataset for DOAS fit results import and processing"""
[docs] def __init__(self, setup=None, init=1, **kwargs): """Initialisation of object :param ResultImportSetup setup: setup specifying all necessary import settings (please see documentation of :class:`ResultImportSetup` for setup details) :param **kwargs: alternative way to setup ``self.setup`` (:class:`ResultImportSetup` object), which is only used in case no input parameter **setup** is invalid. Valid keyword arguments are input parameters of :class:`ResultImportSetup` object. """ self.setup = None self.raw_results = {} self.load_input(setup, **kwargs) if init: self.load_raw_results()
[docs] def load_input(self, setup=None, **kwargs): """Process input information Writes ``self.setup`` based on setup :param setup: is set if valid (i.e. if input is :class:`ResultImportSetup`) :param **kwargs: - keyword arguments for new :class:`ResultImportSetup` (are used in case first parameter is invalid) """ if not isinstance(setup, ResultImportSetup): setup = ResultImportSetup(**kwargs) self.setup = setup
@property def base_path(self): """Returns current basepath of resultfiles (from ``self.setup``)""" return self.setup.base_path @property def start(self): """Returns start date and time of dataset (from ``self.setup``)""" return self.setup.start @property def stop(self): """Returns stop date and time of dataset (from ``self.setup``)""" return self.setup.stop @property def dev_id(self): """Returns device ID of dataset (from ``self.setup``)""" return self.setup.dev_id @property def import_info(self): """Returns information about result import details""" return self.setup.import_info
[docs] def change_time_ival(self, start, stop): """Change the time interval for the considered dataset :param datetime start: new start time :param datatime stop: new stop time .. note:: Previously loaded results will be deleted """ if isinstance(start, datetime): self.start = start if isinstance(stop, datetime): self.stop = stop self.raw_results = {}
[docs] def load_raw_results(self): """Try to load all results as specified in ``self.setup``""" if not self.setup.complete(): raise AttributeError("Import setup is not complete") access = DataImport(self.setup) if access.data_loaded: self.raw_results = access.results self.set_start_stop_time() return True return False
[docs] def has_data(self, fit_id, species_id, start=None, stop=None): """Checks if specific data is available""" if not (fit_id in self.raw_results and species_id in\ self.raw_results[fit_id]): return False if all([isinstance(x, datetime) for x in [start, stop]]): ts = self.raw_results[fit_id]["start"] if not any([start < x < stop for x in ts]): return False return True
[docs] def get_spec_times(self, fit): """Returns start time and stop time arrays for spectra to a given fit""" start = asarray(self.raw_results[fit]["start"]) stop = asarray(self.raw_results[fit]["stop"]) return start, stop
[docs] def set_start_stop_time(self): """Get start/stop range of dataset""" start_acq, stop_acq = [], [] for fit_id in self.raw_results: print(fit_id) ts, _ = self.get_spec_times(fit_id) if len(ts) > 0: start_acq.append(ts.min()) stop_acq.append(ts.max()) self.setup.start = min(start_acq) self.setup.stop = max(stop_acq) return self.start, self.stop
[docs] def get_start_stop_mask(self, fit, start=None, stop=None): """Creates boolean mask for data access only in a certain time interval """ if start is None: start = self.start elif isinstance(start, date): #assume that all spectra from that day are supposed to be imported print ("Start time is date, loading results from all spectra of " "that day") start = to_datetime(start) stop = start + timedelta(days=1) if stop is None: stop = self.stop i, f = self.get_spec_times(fit) mask = logical_and(i >= start, i <= stop) return mask, i[mask], f[mask]
[docs] def get_meta_info(self, fit, meta_id, start=None, stop=None): """Get meta info array :param str meta_id: string ID of meta information :param array boolMask: boolean mask for data retrieval .. note:: Bool mask must have same length as the meta data array """ if meta_id not in self.raw_results[fit]: print(("Could not return meta info, unknown meta ID %s" %meta_id)) return 0 m, start, stop = self.get_start_stop_mask(fit, start, stop) return Series(self.raw_results[fit][meta_id][m], start)
def _get_data(self, species_id, fit_id): """Access raw data array :param str species_id: string ID of species :param str fit_id: string ID of fit scenario """ return self.raw_results[fit_id][species_id]
[docs] def get_results(self, species_id, fit_id=None, start=None, stop=None): """Get spectral results object :param str species_id: string ID of species :param str fit_id: string ID of fit scenario (if None, tries to load default fit_id) :param start: if valid (i.e. datetime object) only data after that time stamp is considered :param stop: if valid (i.e. datetime object) only data before that time stamp is considered """ if fit_id is None: fit_id = self.setup.default_fit_ids[species_id] if not fit_id in self.setup.get_fit_ids(): print(("Failed to load DOAS results, invalid fit ID %s" %fit_id)) return False m, start, stop = self.get_start_stop_mask(fit_id, start, stop) if not sum(m): print ("Failed to load DOAS results, no data found for " "specified time interval..") return False dat = self._get_data(species_id, fit_id)[m] times = start + (stop - start) / 2 dat_err = self._get_data((species_id + "_err"), fit_id)[m] return DoasResults(dat, times, start, stop, dat_err, species_id,\ fit_id, 3)
""" HELPERS """
[docs] def get_default_fit_id(self, species_id): """Get default fit scenario id for species :param str species_id: ID of species (e.g. "so2") """ return self.setup.default_fit_ids[species_id]
[docs] def set_default_fitscenarios(self, default_dict): """Update default fit scenarios for species :param dict default_dict: dictionary specifying new default fit scenarios, it could e.g. look like:: default_dict = {"so2" : "f01", "o3" : "f01", "bro" : "f03"} """ try: self.setup.set_defaults(default_dict) return 1 except: return 0
""" PLOTTING ETC... """
[docs] def plot(self,species_id, fit_id=None, start=None, stop=None, **kwargs): """Plot DOAS results""" res = self.get_results(species_id, fit_id, start, stop) if res is not False: return res.plot(**kwargs) return 0
[docs] def scatter_plot(self, species_id_xaxis, fit_id_xaxis, species_id_yaxis, fit_id_yaxis, lin_fit_opt=1, species_id_zaxis=None, fit_id_zaxis=None, start=None, stop=None, ax=None, **kwargs): """Make a scatter plot of two species :param str species_id_xaxis: string ID of x axis species (e.g. "so2") :param str fit_id_xaxis: fit scenario ID of x axis species (e.g. "f01") :param str species_id_yaxis: string ID of y axis species (e.g. "so2") :param str fit_id_yaxis: fit scenario ID of y axis species (e.g. "f02") :param str species_id_zaxis: string ID of z axis species (e.g. "o3") :param str fit_id_zaxis: fit scenario ID of z axis species (e.g. "f01") :param bool linF """ res_x = self.get_results(species_id_xaxis, fit_id_xaxis, start, stop) res_y = self.get_results(species_id_yaxis, fit_id_yaxis, start, stop) res_z = None if species_id_zaxis is not None and fit_id_zaxis is not None: res_z = self.get_results(\ species_id_zaxis, fit_id_zaxis, start, stop) if ax is None: fig, ax = subplots(1, 1) else: fig = ax.figure.canvas.figure if res_z is not None: sc = ax.scatter(res_x.values, res_y.values, 15, res_z.values,\ marker = 'o', edgecolor = 'none', **kwargs) cb = fig.colorbar(sc, ax = ax, shrink = 0.9, **kwargs) cb.set_label(species_id_zaxis + " " + fit_id_zaxis, **kwargs) else: ax.plot(res_x.values, res_y.values, " b*", label = "Data",\ **kwargs) ax.set_xlabel(species_id_xaxis + " " + fit_id_xaxis) ax.set_ylabel(species_id_yaxis + " " + fit_id_yaxis) ax.grid() if lin_fit_opt: self.linear_regression(res_x.values, res_y.values, ax = ax) ax.legend(loc = 'best', fancybox = True, framealpha = 0.5, fontsize = 12) return ax
[docs] def linear_regression(self, x_data, y_data, mask = None, ax = None): """Perform linear regression and return parameters :param ndarray x_data: x data array :param ndarray y_data: y data array :param ndarray mask: mask specifying indices of input data supposed to be considered for regression (None) :param ax: matplotlib axes object (None), if provided, then the result is plotted into the axes """ if mask is None: mask = full(len(y_data), True, dtype=bool) poly = poly1d(polyfit(x_data[mask], y_data[mask], 1)) if ax is not None: ax.plot(x_data, polyval(poly, x_data), "--r",\ label = "Slope: %.2f" %(poly[1])) return poly
[docs] def get_fit_import_setup(self): """Get the current fit import setup""" return self.setup.import_info
def __getitem__(self, key): """Get attribute using bracketed syntax""" for k,v in list(self.__dict__.items()): if k == key: return v try: return v[key] except: pass print(("Item %s could not be found..." %key)) def __setitem__(self, key, val): """Change attribute value using bracket syntax""" for k,v in list(self.__dict__.items()): if k == key: self.__dict__[key] = val return print(("Item %s could not be updated..." %key)) def __str__(self): """String representation""" return ("\nDOAS result dataset\n-------------------\n" + str(self.setup))
[docs]class DoasResults(Series): """Data time series object inheriting from :class:`pandas.Series` for handling and analysing DOAS fit results :param arraylike data: DOAS fit results (column densities) :param arraylike index: Time stamps of data points :param arraylike fit_errs: DOAS fit errors :param string species_id: String specifying the fitted species :param string fit_id: Unique string specifying the fit scenario used :param int fit_errs_corr_fac: DOAS fit error correction factor .. todo:: Finish magic methods, i.e. apply error propagation, think about time merging etc... """ fit_errs = None start_acq = [] stop_acq = [] fit_id = None fit_errs_corr_fac = None
[docs] def __init__(self, data, index = None, start_acq = [], stop_acq = [],\ fit_errs = None, species_id = "", fit_id = "",\ fit_errs_corr_fac = 1.0): if isinstance(data, Series): index = data.index species_id = data = data.values super(DoasResults, self).__init__(data, index, name = species_id) self.fit_errs = fit_errs self.fit_id = fit_id self.fit_errs_corr_fac = fit_errs_corr_fac self.start_acq = start_acq self.stop_acq = stop_acq
@property def start(self): """Start time of data""" try: return self.index[0] except: pass @property def stop(self): """Stop time of data""" try: return self.index[-1] except: pass @property def species(self): """Return name of current species""" return
[docs] def has_start_stop_acqtamps(self): """Checks if start_time and stop_time arrays have valid data""" try: if not all([isinstance(x, datetime) for x in self.start_acq]): raise Exception("Invalid value encountered in start_acq") if not all([isinstance(x, datetime) for x in self.stop_acq]): raise Exception("Invalid value encountered in stop_acq") if not all([len(self) == len(x) for x in [self.start_acq,\ self.stop_acq]]): raise Exception("Lengths of arrays do not match...") return True except Exception as e: print((repr(e))) return False
[docs] def merge_other(self, other, itp_method="linear", dropna=True): """Merge with other time series sampled on different grid Note ---- This object will not be changed, instead, two new Series objects will be created and returned Parameters ---------- other : Series Other time series itp_method : str String specifying interpolation method (e.g. linear, quadratic) dropna : bool Drop indices containing NA after merging and interpolation Returns ------- tuple 2-element tuple containing - this Series (merged) - other Series (merged) """ if not isinstance(other, Series): raise ValueError("Need pandas Series instance (or objects " "inheriting from it)") df = DataFrame(dict(s1=self,s2=other)).interpolate(itp_method) if dropna: df = df.dropna() return df.s1, df.s2
[docs] def get_data_above_detlim(self): """Get fit results exceeding the detection limit The detection limit is determined as follows:: self.fit_errs_corr_fac*self.data_err """ return self[self > self.fit_errs * self.fit_errs_corr_fac]
#============================================================================== # def __div__(self, data): # if not isinstance(data, SpectralResults): # raise TypeError("Invalid divisor") # id=self.speciesID+data.speciesID # fitid=self.fit_id+data.fit_id # return SpectralResults(,fit_errs=None, speciesID=id,\ # fit_id=fitid, start=self.specTimes.start,stop=self.specTimes.start) #============================================================================== #============================================================================== # def shift(self): # """Shift series index""" # shifted = super(DoasResults, self).shift(*args, **kwargs) # return #==============================================================================
[docs] def plot(self, date_fmt=None, **kwargs): """Plot time series Uses plotting utility of :class:`Series` object (pandas) :param **kwargs: - keyword arguments for pandas plot method """ if not "style" in kwargs: kwargs["style"]="--x" try: self.index = self.index.to_pydatetime() except: pass ax = super(DoasResults, self).plot(**kwargs) try: if date_fmt is not None: ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(DateFormatter(date_fmt)) except: pass #ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(date_formatter) ax.set_ylabel(self.species) return ax
[docs] def shift(self, timedelta = timedelta(0.)): """Shift time stamps of object :param timedelta timedelta: temporal shift :returns: shifted :class:`DoasResults` object """ new = DoasResults(self.values, self.index + timedelta, self.start_acq, self.stop_acq, self.fit_errs,, self.fit_id, self.fit_errs_corr_fac) if self.has_start_stop_acqtamps: new.start_acq += timedelta new.stop_acq += timedelta print("BLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA") return new
"""Magic methods""" def _add__(self, inp): s = super(DoasResults, self).__add__(inp) return DoasResults(s.values, s.index)#, self.start_acq, self.stop_acq) def __sub__(self, inp): s = super(DoasResults, self).__sub__(inp) return DoasResults(s.values, s.index)#, start_acq = None, stop_acq) def __div__(self, inp): s = super(DoasResults, self).__div__(inp) return DoasResults(s.values, s.index)#, self.start_acq, self.stop_acq) def __mul__(self, inp): s = super(DoasResults, self).__mul__(inp) return DoasResults(s.values, s.index)#, self.start_acq, self.stop_acq)